
taught him something.

he hadn't quite learned everything.

after we fucked - then showered - then faked a few kisses he handed me my shirt and asked if i'd ever return.
i sat back down and we watched frasier.
he was used to niggas who'd flush and go - then become infrequent messages in his inbox and a dick picture in his picture mail.

so when i needed to talk - i'd call
and each picture he had of me had been admired by his mother
"he's handsome" she said

so we stopped fucking for a while so he could learn.
i told him love was a misunderstanding between two fools.
and as long as i didn't give him a reason to love me - he shouldn't.

we became fools who strolled by monuments
and planted sunflower seeds at the bottom of rabbit holes

and i told him:
i do not love you because of who you are -now- to me
or what i believe you may become.

i love you because when i call you - you answer.